TED HAYES REMEMBERS 5-13 (download or listen)
You’re invited to listen to “Ted Hayes Remembers” today at 12:20 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. CT. He will talk about the Knox High School Class of 1961.
It was the biggest class to graduate to that date (110). The varsity basketball record of 19-1 still stands as the best ever. Mark Simmons taught Government and History, Jane Beeson taught Home Ec., Henry Meurer was the High School Band Director, Bob Beeson was the basketball coach and Dale Snelling was the football coach.
Linda Lock and Ron Fletcher were chosen as Mr. and Miss Knox High School. Linda was also the Homecoming Queen her senior year.
Sheila Hansen, Tom Carpenter, and Marvin Taylor were the high grades trio. Marion Meyers, John George and Jim Polen formed the school board.
Mr. Laramore was the principal, Mr. Harbison the Superintendent of Schools and Mrs. Hite was the sponsor of the cheerblock.
Let Ted take you back in time, 50 years to be exact, to revisit the Class of 1961.