The North Judson Town Board members discussed outdoor pool regulations at their recent meeting.
Building Inspector, Steve Ransom, said if you install a pool 24 inches tall or bigger, whether it’s a temporary pool or you plan to place it on your property permanently, a permit is required. Pools under 48 inches that have an entry that can not be secured must be fenced in. More information regarding pool installation can be found in an ordinance in the Clerk’s office.
In the railroad report, the Chesapeake and Indiana Railroad were recently notified that they are the recipient of a t-grant to rebuild railroad crossings, install drainage pipes, railroad ties, switches, and many other improvements. INDOT has informed the Board that the money will not be released until 2014 and wants to know if the Town and the railroad are still interested in receiving the funds. The Board will notify INDOT that they are still interested.