Pulaski County Recorder Lynn Wilder received approval from the Commissioners to get quotes on a new recording system for her office because of issues with the current software. Wilder explained that a server crash completely disabled their main server, which provides service to many of the county offices. A temporary server has been in use since the crash, but this server is newer than the software on the computers accessing it, causing the recorder’s office to experience various issues in the service.
“We are needing new software to become compliant with the social security redaction part of our program. We’re not in compliance right now because of the new software that was installed on a server that crashed is not compatible with the current software in my office,” said Wilder.
The server is vital to the operation of the office. Wilder said that the new software is expected to cost at least $55,000, which includes the upgrade of current hardware to match the specifications required by the software. The current software, which is provided by Manatron, hasn’t been updated or upgraded since 2003.
“It’s the meat and potatoes of our whole office. It allows us to do the recording process and the indexing, and the retrieval of all the records in storage,” said Wilder.
Wilder said that she will be seeking three quotes from various companies for the new hardware and software, and once the quotes have been received she will return to the commissioners for a final decision.