The food pantry at Community Services of Starke County is getting dangerously low of products. Joan Haugh, the Executive Director of Community Services, said the need is even greater now than at this time in previous years.
“I just ran a financial report from January through now and we have spent $10,000 more this year than what we brought in in cash donations,” said Haugh. “We do have to purchase meat for the pantry and we purchase food items that we have a great need for from the Food Bank in South Bend. We have to pay for that food. We’re spending $2,000-$3,000 a month on that food plus another $1,000 on meat.”
Right now they do have canned corn in great abundance, but that is about it. Joan said they usually have a good supply of peanut butter, but not today.
“We don’t have one jar of peanut butter on our shelf right now which is a shame. There are times when we’ll have two stacks of them when we get the government commodities, but for some reason we haven’t had the commodities in the last two months and we’re just really short. Right now we’re really heavy on corn. They brought us two pallets of corn and I don’t know why. We need green beans, peas, soups, canned chicken, canned tuna and cereal. Any donation would be appreciated.”
If you can make a cash donation for the meat and canned goods that they need please do so, or you can drop off canned items at Community Services, First Farmers Bank,
Dr. Dalphond’s office in North Judson, or Dr. Curtis Bejes’ office also in North Judson.