Are you a college, or high school student looking for something to do this summer? If you haven’t found a job yet, maybe you could volunteer your talents. There is an online volunteer center in Starke County that can plug you into something you might be interested in doing. All you have to do is access the site at to look at the listings in not only Starke, but three other counties too. The program is open to all ages.
Kathy Wojkovich is the Volunteer Center Director for the United Way Region, and we asked her to talk about the site.
“Volunteer opportunities from any non-profit in the community that has elected to post their opportunities will come up,” said Wojkovich. “You get to see the opportunities, read what they’re asking of you and what skills you need or may not need. You click a link and an automatic email comes up to the right person at that non-profit organization and you make a connection with them and you could be volunteering within 24 to 48 hours.”
If you are a non-profit and would like to solicit volunteers Kathy tells you how to do that, too.
“You do not need to be affiliated with a United Way but if you are a 501 (c)(3) and you need volunteers, either contact me or you can go right to the website and post your information.”
Contact Kathy at (219) 464-3583, or contact Julie Dessauer at Starke United, 772-7506.