A Republican Presidential candidate was in Starke County yesterday. His name wasn’t Romney, Gingrich, Bachmann, Paul, Pawlenty, or Huntsman.
His name isn’t mentioned on the network nightly news.
He doesn’t show up in the polls.
He probably has no chance of becoming President of the United States, but he’s working the grassroots, and thinks he still has an outside chance for the nomination. His name is John Davis, and he was in our WKVI studio Friday.
“The number one question I get is, ‘Why are you running for President?'” said Davis. “A year-and-a-half ago, God spoke to me and spoke to my heart to run for President. I’ve never been in politics in my life. I’ve been a self employed home builder. I’m on the road and I knew I didn’t have celebrity status or name recognition so I thought, ‘How could I get out there and earn the right to be a candidate and to be noticed?’ I’m just going to go out and honor every County in America, 3,143 of them. We’ve been to 843 of them as of today (Friday).”
So far, he had logged 43,000 miles.
“I wanted to do something that nobody else has done before and I wanted to set the bar so high that nobody else could follow. Nobody has been to every county. The sad thing I hear is that they’ve never had a Presidential candidate come through their County. Ever.”
Davis was heading to St. Joseph, La Grange, Elkhart, and Steuben Counties Friday, before heading to Ohio. If he doesn’t get the Republican nomination for President, maybe he could go into the Guinness Book of World Records.