The Community Services of Starke County Food Pantry shelves are again bare. Cecilia Torres told Ted Hayes yesterday that 279 families were helped with meat and groceries in August. That number reached an all-time high.
“More and more people are turning to the Food Pantry and donations are down,” said Torres. “We get our food from churches, organizations and individuals who open up their pocketbooks and their hearts to us. We’ve gotten a few dollar donations.”
They are spending $1,200 a month on meat and Cecilia said an order has been placed, but the freezer is empty.
Canned vegetables, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, tuna, are just a few of the items they could use.
If you are able to donate, drop off your donation at the Food Pantry on Culver Road in Knox. For more information call 772-7070.