The West Central School Board discussed enrollment and funding during their meeting last week. The count day was September 16th and the enrollment figures were sent to the state to be placed in a funding formula in order to determine the amount the state will provide in funding to the corporation.
This year, the Average Daily Membership (ADM) is down 37.5 students from last year. The count includes a half point because Kindergarten students count as half a student. The loss in enrollment could mean a estimated funding loss of $225,000 in state revenue. The Board has been preparing for budget cuts and the members have been warned the Corporation could lose $1.2 million in the next three years.
The Board held a public hearing for the 2012 budget at their meeting last week and Superintendent Charles Mellon went over the line items in the budget, capital projects plan and bus replacement plan. No questions or comments were made during the hearing and the budget will be presented for board approval at the next meeting.