With the recent petition in Tippecanoe Township to deannex from Culver Community Schools Corporation and reannex into the Eastern Pulaski School Corporation gaining support, Culver schools find themselves in a tough spot. Because funds follow the students, a loss of students because of the deannexation could hurt Culver’s already tight budget.
The petition is still being circulated and has not yet been presented to the Culver School Board. The board will have to approve it in order for the process to continue; however, approving it could mean the loss of many students and a large chunk of federal dollars.
Superintendent Brad Schuldt says that though the board has not yet officially seen or heard anything, they will handle it when the time comes.
“If it happens, or when it happens, we’ll deal with it as a corporation and the board will certainly consider all options and do whatever they think is in the best interest of the corporation,” said Schuldt.
The petition has already gathered 600 signatures after being created by residents of Monterey outraged at the closure of Monterey Elementary for budget reasons.