During their meeting this week, the Hamlet Town Board discussed entering into Phase II of the Wellhead Protection Program.
The Wellhead Protection Program is a strategy to protect ground water drinking supplies from pollution. The State of Indiana mandates that all communities implement this program and identify the area around the well that needs to be protected. The program consists of two phases. The first phase was done in Hamlet in 2002. The Wellhead Protection Area was identified around City Hall, potential sources of contamination were also identified and then management and contingency plans were made. The Phase II report is due in May of 2012 which will involve reporting on the implementation of the plan created in Phase I and updating it.
Don Bixby, of Territorial Engineers, told WKVI that in addition to this report, Phase I will need to be done for the Hamlet West Economic Development Corridor where two wells were drilled in 2009.
The Town Board has not yet made a decision to go forward with this plan.