The Starke County Historical Society’s annual meeting is this Thursday, November 17th at the Knox High School Cafeteria.
The carry-in meal begins at 6:00 p.m. You bring a covered dish, and the Historical Society will furnish the meat, beverage, cups, silverware and plates. A short business meeting will be held at 6:50 p.m. with the election of officers and various reports.
The entertainment for the evening will be from Susan Ruth Brown. Susan will bring back many songs from the era of the Civil War. As multi-instrumentalist and songstress, Susan often performs on fretted dulcimer, guitar, zither, autoharp, piano, penny whistle, recorder and various rhythm instruments. She is known for expressive vocals; from Celtic tunes to hard-hitting country songs.
If you need more information, call 772-5393.
Photo provided by Jim Shilling.