The Energy Assistance Program for LaPorte, Pulaski, and Starke County residents is in full swing, as the North Central Community Action Agencies, Inc. and Community Services of Starke County have begun taking applications.
Elderly and disabled households that applied for energy assistance last year have been mailed pre-application packets, which are to be completed and returned with all documents required to process the application. Households that have been scheduled for disconnection of services, or have already been disconnected, cannot apply by mail, and must instead call and schedule an appointment for assistance.
The Energy Assistance Program will only be available for households with a combined annual income that is at or below 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines– specifically, one-person households must have a gross annual income of less than $16,335; for two, $22,065; for three, $27,795; for four, $33,525; and for five, $39.255. For households of more than five, add $5,730 per additional household member.
Renters will need to include a copy of their lease or have a landlord sign a Housing Affidavit form, and income or zero-income must be verified and documented for all adult household members. No applications will be accepted without proof of income for the last 12 months, social security numbers for all members of the household and a utility bill for the current month.
Those interested in the program can reach the Pulaski County Human Services at 877-946-4211 or 946-6500 to schedule an appointment, and residents of Starke County can contact Community Services of Starke County at 574-772-9036. La Porte County Residents, please contact North Central Community Action Agencies, Inc. for an appointment at 219-872-0351 or 1-866-871-1200.