With their return of $309,000 to the county, the Pulaski County Recycling Center is continuing with their request for part-time help from the county commissioners. Ed Clark of the recycling center approached the county commissioners this week to request their approval to hire a new part-time employee for the center.
Clark told the commissioners that the plant is understaffed, and a new part-time employee brought in to work three days a week, would greatly benefit the recycling center. Previously, the workweek for part-time employees of the center was reduced to 32 hours, causing the recycling center to lose a total of 24 labor hours per week, and Clark says that reduction has cost them heavily.
Clark argued that with their $309,000 in financial return to the county, the plant more than pays for the cost of an employee. However, due to a hiring freeze currently in effect in Pulaski County, the request was not passed, and Clark says he’ll make adjustments to the work shifts to work it out—but that’s easier said than done.