A Knox man was arrested Friday after police received calls about a man carrying a gun.
A witness told police that he was letting his truck warm up when Robert Wisilinski approached his property on Pearl Street, stopped and stared at him. The witness said he saw a hand gun in his hand and then Wisilinski walked away. He reportedly saw Wisilinski tuck the gun in his pants behind his back. Police caught up to Wisilinski who reportedly said it was only a BB gun. He was taken to jail.
Wisilinski told police that he wasn’t on Pearl Street. He reportedly did admit that he had two BB guns that appear to be pistols. While at the jail, the jailer allegedly found a Chinese throwing star in his possession, which is prohibited. A search warrant for his residence was granted and police found a BB gun that looked like a pistol and another throwing star.
Robert Wisilinski has preliminary charges of Intimidation and two counts of Possession of Chinese Throwing Stars.