With over $110,000 in uncollected overdue bills, the Pulaski County EMS may soon be looking to get more aggressive in getting money they are owed. While Commissioner Ken Boswell recommended that the EMS step up their collection efforts, he also expressed that those who are at least making an effort to pay should be given leniency.
The commissioners were told by an EMS staff member that it was recommended to have a “scare letter” written up by the county attorney threatening to sue those who have made no effort to pay their bills, which would be sent out to anyone who is overdue on their bills for the service.
County Attorney Kevin Tankerslee said that there are options available for collecting these funds, including taking the debtor to court and possibly garnish their wages.
Commissioner Mike Tiede also questioned whether or not an EMS Advisory Board was necessary anymore. He said that the EMS meets with the commissioners regularly, and the Advisory Board was established long ago and he feels it may no longer be necessary. A decision as to whether or not to look into the process of disbanding the Advisory Board will be discussed at the next meeting of the Pulaski County Commissioners on Monday, February 6th at 6:00 p.m. ET.