Golf Carts Midwest, formerly Windy City Golf Carts, is moving out of Knox after being a viable business for over 30 years. Owner, Ed Arnold, talks about the departure of the business.
“We were planning to relocate to our warehouse, which used to be the Sellers Oldsmobile dealership, and after we started making the move we were notified we could not because of zoning issues. We met with some of the officials and were told that it’s just not going to happen. We’ve looked at other sites and we found one that we liked. It’s right across from the Jellystone Campground on Highway 30,” said Arnold.
Arnold said there wasn’t any time to get the paperwork ready for a zoning change.
“We needed to move out of our current building in a very timely fashion. We’re shutting down operations the end of this week and getting rid of what’s left and moving on.”
Golf Carts Midwest began in the area in 1976 in the Kingsbury Industrial Park.
The business is providing golf carts for visitors and vendors at the Super Bowl in Indianapolis
“We’ve had golf carts down there for a couple of weeks now. There’s activities in various locations that they require transportation for so have a pretty good sided fleet of vehicles down there right now. So even way up here, we are affected by the Super Bowl.”