Thanks to the Safe Routes to School Committee at the Eastern Pulaski Schools Corporation, children walking or riding bicycles to school may not be so uncommon in the future. Superintendent Dr. Robert Klitzman explained that the committee is currently working on a planning grant designed to show different routes to the school that can be enhanced and improved on in terms of accessibility and safety. Klitzman says that these improvements could encourage more parents to allow children to walk or ride their bikes to school.
“Right now we don’t have that many, and I think there are some good reasons for it. On the other hand, if you look at some of the literature on child obesity and wellness, we’re kind of losing some ground in that respect,” said Klitzman.
The grant allows them to plan on providing for safety concerns, such as adding additional signs, sidewalks, and crossing guards. Klitzman says that having a safe route to school would make kids feel good because of the outdoor activity, and parents would feel more comfortable about their child making their own way to the school.
The next step in the project is to apply for an implementation grant to get money for sidewalk construction, as well as bicycle lanes, signs, posters, and other items as well.