North Judson Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry told WKVI that three sealed bids to handle the town’s trash service were opened at the recent town board meeting. Key Waste – Indiana Partnership, Veoloia, and Richard’s Disposal submitted bids, with Key Waste’s bid being the lowest at $77,310 for the year. Henry says the town attorney will review the bids, and upon her approval, the bid will be awarded at the next town meeting on March 19th.
Henry also indicated that the Town Superintendent has received several applications for an employment opportunity with the Utility Department. He has narrowed it down to six candidates after nixing applicants that did not have a CDL certification, and he will be contacting them to conduct interviews.
The board is still looking into the necessary process to become a five-member board, and Henry says they have contacted Starke County Clerk Evelyn Skronski to get her input on the matter. In addition, they will be meeting with an IACT Representative to get more information on what is required in order to make the transition to a larger board.