On Tuesday, a public information meeting will be held at the Oregon-Davis School at 6:00 p.m. CT to inform the public of what they can expect if the proposed tax levy does or does not pass. Terry Minix, President of the Oregon-Davis Education Political Action Committee, says one crucial point that he feels needs to be stressed is that even if the referendum does not pass, the school will remain open but will likely be forced to merge with a local corporation.
If the school does merge with another corporation, taxpayers shouldn’t expect to see a decrease in taxes– in fact, it’s more likely that the tax rate would increase anyway. If the school merges, the community would assume the tax rate of that corporation, and since Oregon-Davis Schools currently boasts one of the lowest tax rates in the area, taxpayers would likely have to endure a tax increase regardless of the outcome of the referendum vote.
At the meeting, Minix says the tax rates of other local corporations will be discussed to give the audience an idea of what they can expect to happen if the referendum does not pass. Also, the meeting will explain the school’s importance and vitality in its community.
Minix explained that with the average price of a home in the Oregon-Davis area being $75,000 – $80,000, taxpayers could expect to see an increase of less than $30 per year– or less than the cost of an extra lunch meal per month. The meeting will explain in detail what the $0.11 increase would equate to in terms of taxes.