IU Health Starke Hospital is joining other IU facilities around the state in disseminating information on early spring allergies. The unseasonably warm winter and spring so far is presenting challenges for allergy suffers.
IU Health allergist, Dr. Deb Baylos, says allergies are more a function of pollen count in the air. However, she says allergies are starting earlier and will likely end earlier. Weather conditions really affect the intensity of allergies. For example, a warm, moist spring will intensify mold which tends to intensify mold allergies. If you notice signs of mold growth in your property, you may need to contact a mold remediation company immediately especially if someone in the house has allergies.
A single blood test can now detect allergies and it’s usually more tolerable for patients than multiple skin prick testing. She says there’s still no hard evidence that links antibacterial product usage with lower immunity or allergic reaction.