Jerry Nenycz, newly named Indiana Non-Commissioned Soldier of the Year has two loves: the military and music.
Nenycz is quite accomplished on the guitar and said like all youngsters, he was always into music.
“Music is probably my first love. It was there when I was a kid,” Nenycz said.
He writes the music he performs and is going into the recording studio.
“I’m going into a recording studio really soon. Right now I just play acoustic guitar and sing. I hope to have fun with it for the rest of my life.”
Nenycz said the hard part is picking the songs he wants to record. We asked him how many he has written.
“I probably have about 40 songs. I’m trying to choose 12 for my first disc.”
If you want to catch Jerry in concert he has a performance coming up Saturday, May 5th, at the Plymouth Amphitheater. It’s a benefit performance.
“It’s a benefit for a child named Trek Atlas who has an incurable disease. He has a goal of traveling to as many counties as he can before he gets sicker. He’s got a little passport that he stamps for every country he visits. We’re raising money for the family to take him further.”