Mowing season is finally here, and that means grass needs to be kept under four inches in the town of North Judson. If property is left unattended and the grass gets out of hand, the property owner will be notified to get the lawn mowed. If that notice goes unheeded, a fee can be imposed and, if necessary, a lien made on the property. This ordinance has been in place in the town of North Judson for several years.
North Judson Town Councilman Tim Cummins pointed out several dangerous corners in the town with blind-sides. According to Cummins, the corners of Main Street and Luken Street, as well as Talmer Street and Luken Street, have buildings or other structures close to the corner that affect drivers’ lines of sight, making it difficult to check the intersections for oncoming traffic.
This is particularly problematic because of the corners’ close proximity to the fire department, where it is vital that drivers see the firetrucks in order to prevent an accident. The board will look into the possibility of putting up signs near the corners to warn people that it is a firetruck crossing and to be cautious.