The Starke County Commissioners yesterday tabled a request by the County Auditor, Kay Chaffins, and Interim Treasurer, Kasey Clark, for new financial software. George Zeltner, of Low Associates of South Bend, answered questions about how the system could streamline both offices, including the providing of information between the two governmental entities.
The system is Windows-based, and would show all department heads what their budget is, what they’ve spent and how much money they have encumbered.
Zeltner said the system would save the county $5,000 a year, but the hangup may be in the upfront cost of $60,000. Between the offices, the pair said they could provide all but $20,000 of the funds, but board President Kathy Norem indicated it might be hard to justify the initial cost when the General Fund is running out faster than normal. “It’s not that I don’t agree with the recommendation, it’s just that I want to feel comfortable how it’s going to be paid for,” Norem said.
Commissioner Jennifer Davis asked Zeltner to provide a more detailed proposal.
The matter will next be discussed at the joint Council-Commissioner meeting on Monday, April 16th.