It’s Primary Election Day!
Polls are open in all counties and you are encouraged to exercise your right to vote. Polls will close at 6:00 p.m. prevailing time.
We will be following several races tonight in our Election Night wrap up. In Starke County, Democrats Daniel Bridegroom and Joseph Woods are vying for the County Commissioner District Three seat and Democrats Linda Belork and Kasey Clark are up for the County Treasurer position. We will also see if the voters vote for or against the Oregon-Davis school referendum.
In Pulaski County, Republicans Kenneth Boswell and Terry Young compete for the position of County Commissioner for District One, while Republicans Larry Brady and Michael Tiede battle for District Two.
Featured on the Republican ballot for Marshall County, the only local race is for Coroner between the incumbent, William Cleavenger, and Deputy Coroner Leslie Trump. On the state level, voters will be choosing between Francis Ellert and Timothy Harman for State Representative in the 17th District while there is a race on the federal level between Greg Andrews and Jackie Walorski for U.S. Representative in District 2.
We’ll watch several state races as well, especially the U.S. Senate Race between Richard Lugar and Richard Mourdock.
You need an ID to vote. If you do not have an ID, the BMV branches are open today to issue photo IDs to voters and that is the only transaction the employees will be doing today.
Election Night Coverage on WKVI begins at 5:00 p.m. tonight.