The Plymouth City Council approved the appointment of Ralph Booker as the City’s Plan Director – a position he will have with the city and Marshall County.
Under the terms of the agreement, the city would pay $7,000 per year to the county as compensation for performing city business on county time using county resources. Under a separate agreement, the city will pay Booker an additional $6,879 as a contract employee for 2013.
The Marshall County Commissioners also approved that appointment during their meeting on December 17th.
Also at that meeting, Booker and Chuck Dewitt with the Marshall County Building Department presented the commissioners with an interlocal agreement with the Town of Bremen that will allow the county building department and plan commission to issue improvement location/building permits for the town and its jurisdiction beginning January 1. The county will process the paperwork, but will not receive the $50 inspection fee.
A Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Bremen and Marshall County was approved by the Marshall County Commissioners. The Bremen Town Board approved this agreement at their board meeting this week.