Two ordinances are still in the works for the town of North Judson, but according to Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry, those ordinances will likely be in place within the next month or two. One ordinance pertains to changes to the cemetery rules and regulations while the second regulates domestic and farm animals within the town.
Last year, the board had performed the first and second readings of the cemetery rules and regulations ordinance, but a few minor changes were recommended by Town Attorney Cassandra Hine. As a result, the ordinance was not discussed again until this year, requiring the board to once again perform the first, second, and third readings of the ordinance.
Henry said the first and second readings of the ordinance will be performed at their next meeting on Monday, Jan 21, with the third reading at their first meeting in February.
The ordinance regulating domestic and farm animals in town will likely be ready for review by Hine at the next meeting, and Henry said after that, the board will likely perform the first and second readings in February.
The animal ordinance defines domestic animals that are allowed within the town, and any animal that isn’t listed in that ordinance, Henry said, is prohibited. Cats, dogs, gerbils, and other small mammals are mentioned in the ordinance as acceptable pets, but farm animals – pigs, cows, and others – are not allowed.
Henry explained previously that the council is discussing this matter because several people in town have chickens and other livestock in their back yard and because the town has no rules prohibiting the animals from being kept outside at a residence within the town limits, their hands are tied.