Twenty-seven deaths have now been reported as a result of flu-related illness in Indiana. The overwhelming majority have occurred in individuals older than 65.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has indicated that flu-deaths have reached epidemic levels, which means the nation is experiencing a higher number of flu-related deaths than was expected.
No shortage of flu vaccine is being reported, but there have been some reports of some locations temporarily depleting their supply due to the current high demand. Flu vaccine can usually be found at local health departments, pharmacies and with health care providers. The vaccine is recommended for anyone six months of age or older.
Governor Mike Pence is taking the recommendation seriously as he received his flu shot yesterday.
Remember to wash your hands frequently and vigorously with soapy water. Wash your hands after you blow your nose, after you cough or sneeze into your hands, after you use the restroom or after you shake hands with someone who has been coughing and sneezing. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer gels work as an alternative when soap and water are not available.