If your household income is less than $50,000 and you would like some assistance in filing your taxes, you’re in luck – the Northwest Indiana Asset Building Campaign is offering free tax preparation in Knox, Winamac, and several other locations.
IRS-trained and certified community volunteers will offer free assistance to taxpayers who meet the qualifications, and will prepare and file both federal and state income taxes at no cost. The program ensures you receive all tax benefits for which you are eligible, including the Earned Income Tax Credit. On top of that, the program eliminates the fees charged by commercial tax preparers and rapid refund loans, and provides access to resources that can put your money to work for you.
In Knox, tax prep services will be offered at the Starke County Public Library at 152 W. Culver Rd. Call (574) 772-7323 to schedule an appointment.
In Winamac, Pulaski County Human Services will be offering the services at 115 W. Pearl St. Call (574) 946-6500 to schedule an appointment.