A Starke County farmer was presented with the opportunity to make two $2500 donations to non-profit organizations of his choice. The Monsanto Fund selected Edward Mau as the Starke County winner for their third annual America’s Farmers Grow Communities program. This year, however, rather than make just one donation, Monsanto elected to give each county designated as a disaster relief area two donations, and Mau selected the Starke County Humane Society and St. Paul Lutheran Church Outreach to each receive $2500.
“I picked the Humane Society because I patronize them to have vaccinations over there at their place, and it’s a good deal so I felt that they needed the help to keep things going. And I go to the Lutheran church in Denham, and we’ve had other activities there – helping out sick people who can’t pay their medical bills, so I felt that this organization needed some assistance in that,” said Mau.
Matt Zeiger presented Mau and the organizations with two checks during the Starke County Humane Society Board meeting. Through the Grow Communities program, more than $7.3 million has been donated to rural communities across the country. In total, the Monsanto Fund has invested more than $7 million in rural communities through this program.
The vice president of the Humane Society board said the society had gone through a rough year financially but this donation will help the organization to get by.