The Marshall County Council on Aging is hosting an AARP Driver Safety Program on Thursday, March 21. This is to help drivers over the age of 50 learn defensive driving techniques, new traffic laws and rules of the road. It will also refresh ways to deal with aggressive drivers and how to safely use anti-lock brakes, the purpose and use of air bags and safety belts.
Jackie Wright, the director of the Council on Aging, believes this is an important course for older drivers.
“Education, whether it’s health or driving or anything is always a positive aspect,” said Wright. “Keeping yourself keen, independent and being responsible is always positive.”
Trained AARP instructors will be teaching the class. There is a cost of $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members. The completion of the program could qualify drivers for discounts on auto insurance.
Wright invites you to take part in the class on March 21 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET at the Life Enrichment Center.
“You don’t have to be from Marshall County. You can be from anywhere and come and take the class,” Wright explained.
Call (574) 936-9904 to reserve your spot.