The DNR has awarded a total of $156,620 in grants to address invasive aquatic vegetation. In Starke County, Bass Lake got $5,000 for aquatic vegetation treatment, and Koontz Lake got $13,000 to conduct an aquatic vegetation management survey, plan and treatment. Lake Bruce, which straddles the Pulaski–Fulton county line also got $5,000 for aquatic vegetation management.
The Four Lakes Area in Marshall County received $22,800 for aquatic vegetation management, survey, plan and treatment. That area encompasses Mill Pond, Kreighbaum, Cook and Holm Lakes.
The city of LaPorte Area Lakes, Clear, Pine, and Stone Lakes, got the largest grant of any in the area, with $66,800 for an aquatic vegetation management survey, plan and treatment. Also in LaPorte County, the Fish Lake area, which includes Upper Fish, Lower Fish and Mud Lakes received $32,000 to conduct an aquatic vegetation management survey, plan and treatment. Hudson Lake in LaPorte also got a grant of $11,920 for an aquatic vegetation management survey, plan and treatment.