Farm Service Agency Offering Loan Program for Farmers

A new loan program designed to assist members of socially disadvantaged groups acquire land for farming in Indiana is now being offered by the Farm Service Agency. As part of this program, FSA will try to find persons in these categories who are interested in farming and can qualify for an FSA farm ownership loan. On top of that, FSA is prepared to sell or lease to them a farm they currently have in their inventory if any are available in the recipient’s county. If not, the agency is willing to make a loan for purchase of land in the open market.

If needed, FSA can also provide other loan and technical assistance to help the borrower get started. Socially disadvantaged population groups include Hispanics, Native Americans, African Americans, Asians, and Pacific Islanders. The definition was recently expanded to include gender – that is, females.

Farmers who think they might be eligible, or those interested in farming and have experience, are urged to contact the FSA County Office serving their area. For Benton, Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Jasper, Newton, Lake, LaPorte, Porter, Pulaski, Starke, Tippecanoe and White counties, the FSA office is located in Rensselaer and can be reached at (219) 866-5188.