With just under a month to go before the first installment of property taxes is due, Pulaski and Marshall counties are working feverishly to get property tax statements mailed out in time for taxpayers to get their payments in the mail. Pulaski County Treasurer Lynn Wilder said her office is about halfway through mailing out their statements and will finish the mailings by the end of today, while Marshall County Treasurer Deb VanDeMark said her office will have the mailings completed by Friday.
Pulaski County taxpayers can pay their taxes at the treasurer’s office in the courthouse or at a variety of local banks. Wilder said payments are accepted at the First Federal Savings Bank in Winamac, First National Banks in Monterey and Winamac, Alliance Bank in Francesville and Winamac, and at Key Bank in Winamac.
In Marshall County, Treasurer Deb VanDeMark is reminding residents that if their property tax bill hasn’t been received within a reasonable span of time after April 12 to call the treasurer’s office to ensure there hasn’t been a mix-up. VanDeMark said partial payments are accepted at any time, but penalties will be applied to unpaid balances after the May 10 and Nov. 12 due dates.
Marshall County taxpayers can visit the treasurer’s office Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or drop off their payments at any Lake City Bank branch or First State Bank in Bourbon. Taxpayers must have their tax statement in order for the payment to be accepted.
Taxes can also be paid online or over the phone with a debit or credit card; call 1-800-480-8552 for more information.
The Marshall County Treasurer’s office will also remain open until 6 p.m. on May 9 and 10 as well as Nov. 8 and 12, but will be closed on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11. The office will also be open Saturday, May 4 and Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to noon.