The pile of surplus concrete behind the Pulaski County Highway Department does not pose an environmental hazard, according to an official with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. That was one of the claims disgruntled employees made against former highway superintendent Kenny Becker. New superintendent Mark Fox presented a letter from IDEM to the commissioners during their Monday meeting.
“This material is excluded from IDEM’s solid waste rules because it is all material that is found in roads, with the exception of possibly some of the material that is painted in there. If we run into a large quantity of painted material, it cannot be used,” said Fox.
The concrete will be ground up into gravel and used to fix a section of County Road 200 North that is at risk of falling in unless repairs are made soon.
Fox says he will check with IDEM before the old highway garage southwest of town is torn down, as the concrete building is painted white.
“When they started talking about paint, it popped in my head. That building is painted white. I need to contact Tracy again. They do legitimate use approvals. If they deem it OK by the amount of paint that’s on it they will let us use it. If not that will have to be disposed of off site,” he explained.