Although it wasn’t an item on the agenda, the Marshall County Commissioners did approve a motion concerning commercial wind energy farms.
In his report, County Attorney James Clevenger explained to the commissioners that the plan commission reviewed the proposed amendment changes to the ordinance and it came to a vote of 4-4 to approve them. The changes would virtually make it impossible to place a wind turbine farm anywhere in Marshall County.
Commission President Kevin Overmyer stated that no representative of a commercial wind energy farm has appeared before the board of commissioners or the plan commission to speak of a proposed placement of a wind turbine farm in the county. In addition, no person has spoke in favor of a commercial wind turbine farm.
Commissioner Jack Roose agreed with Overmyer who added that he would have liked to have heard from an entity in support of the project or a representative from a commercial wind energy farm in order to gather information from both sides of the issue. Commissioner Deb Griewank said she also would have liked to have heard issues from both sides.
Commissioner Overmyer proposed a motion to have the county attoney prepare a resolution to present to the plan commission that would prohibit the establishment of a commercial wind energy farm in Marshall County. The motion passed unanimously.