Marshall County Commissioners Receive Medical Insurance Update

The Marshall County Commissioners received an update on the county’s insurance plan from Tony Nyers of The Healy Group.

Nyers told the commissioners that the plan performed well in 2012. He noted at there were fewer ER visits, but the rate was higher than the national benchmark. Those who are involved on the county’s insurance plan utilized 72 percent of generic medications which Nyers said is excellent; it’s higher than the national average.

MRI testing numbers were up as well as chemotherapy support medications.

One statistic Nyers touched on was the pharmacy output; pharmacy use was up 81 percent. Nyers indicated that the leading cause of the increase is being researched. Maintenance medications, like blood pressure medications, have increased, but one concern Nyers has is the uptick in amphetamine sales. Amphetamines are at the top of the list and it is never usually listed at the top of any list. He will be researching that as well as it is a highly abused drug.