After moving into their new location in mid-July, Bella Vita has settled in nicely, according to Director Susanne Lange, and the organization will be holding an open house Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to show off their new facility. Lange said the public is invited to take a tour and look at the new building, which she said is suiting them nicely, though a few maintenance items need addressed.
“We’ll have food available in the front room. All of our board of directors will be there, our volunteers will be there, so people from the community are invited just in general to come and see the new building and what we’ve done so far with it and things that need to be done in the future as well for maintenance and things like that,” she said.
Lange said since moving in, they’ve addressed some concerns they had with the roof, and now they’re receiving a number of bids from local contractors regarding other construction that needs performed inside. She said they’re still in need of some funds in order to cover the cost of some major renovations that need done, but overall, she said the building itself looks good.
Lange said Bella Vita is holding the open house to give the community a feel for the new location.
“We’re holding the open house just so the community in general can come in and see the new building that Starke United graciously sold to us for a very cheap price, and for the community to just spread the word about Bella Vita – who we are, what we are – so that they can meet the individuals behind the organization,” Lange said.
Bella Vita is now located in the old Starke United building that they purchased for $1 from the Starke United Board. Lange said their previous building on Heaton Street in Knox was owned by the Lutheran Church and they wanted to find a location they could own that would better suit their needs, though the old building suited them well for more than two years.
The open house will take place this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.