“We’ve had favorable conditions through pollination and the cool temperatures have helped the corn kind of realize close to their maximum potential this year,” commented Rushing.
Rushing doesn’t have specific numbers but yields should be much higher than last year.
“It’s tough to say right now specifically. We’re not completely through the stage where the corn kernels are actually developing, but I think we’re going to probably see above-average yields,” Rushing explained.
He expects the yields to be around 160 to 180 bushels per acre on average. Irrigated fields should yield well over 200 bushels an acre.
Rushing hasn’t heard much about the mint crop or soybean crop, but he expects good numbers from those fields as well.
“I know that they’re still going through the harvest process for mint and that will be happening during the next couple of weeks. Soybeans, for the most part, are looking fairly good. It’s still a little bit too early to tell how good those yields will be, but they will definitely be above average in my estimation,” he said.