With two festivals taking place this weekend and the weather heating up to over 90 degrees with some serious humidity, it is important to make sure you stay hydrated and don’t overexert yourself during the festivals in this intense heat. The Blueberry Festival in Plymouth and the Monterey Days Festival are both scheduled this weekend from Aug. 30 to Sept. 2, and festival-goers are strongly encouraged to make sure you have enough water for you and your family, and, if you begin to feel dizzy or light-headed, seek cooler environs and hydration immediately.
A stretch of hot weather is expected this week, prompting health officials to urge everyone with outdoor activities planned to take frequent breaks during this weather and drink plenty of fluids. A weak cool front is expected to reach the area today, but weather officials still anticipate afternoon heat index values to reach into the mid 90s.
Occasionally, health departments or emergency management agencies will provide cooling shelters or misting tents for festivals to give attendees a place to go to cool off. Misting tents provide visitors with cool water and shade for those who feel overheated and need to cool down.
To prevent heat-related illness, limit your outdoor activity to morning and evening hours; cut down on exercise, and if you must exercise, drink two to four glasses of cool, nonalcoholic fluids each hour; a sports beverage can replace the salt and minerals you lose in sweat; try to rest often in shady areas; and protect yourself from the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses and by putting on sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher.
Parents should watch for signs of possible heat stroke or exhaustion, which include body temperatures above 103 degrees; red, hot, dry skin with no sweating; rapid, strong pulse; complaints about headaches; dizziness of confusion; and nausea or vomiting. If your child displays any of these symptoms, get medical assistance as soon as possible. If your child is not sweating, or has a rapid pulse, do not give them fluids. Until medical help arrives, monitor the child’s body temperature. Cool the child rapidly by moving them to a shady area, spray or sponge the child with cool water, or place the child in front of a fan or air conditioner.