The effects of federal funding cuts are trickling down to the local agencies that deal with transportation for older residents and other services.
Community Services of Starke County Director Joan Haugh said the organization has incurred a 24.3 percent federal funding cut for transportation, which was before the sequester took effect. Elderly services, which include congregate meals, home-delivered meals, homemaker services, and restaurant voucher programs, have been cut by 12 percent.
Haugh added that she has appeared before the Starke County commissioners and the county council to ask for additional funding so the organization will not have to cut services to those who desperately need it.
Funding for elderly services at Pulaski County Human Services has also been cut for congregate meals, home delivered meals and transportation for 2013. Congregate meal funding is six meals per day less. Home delivered meals and homemaker services are on waiting lists. Director Jacki Frain explained that funding for the Older Americans Act Title III has stopped and the State of Indiana is providing funds until Sept. 30.
Frain added that allocations for elderly services will resume when Title III funding is available in October.
Both organizations are doing what they can to maintain services to senior citizens in the area.