North Judson Town-Wide Yard Sale a Success, May Become Annual

Yard sale enthusiasts flocked to North Judson this past weekend to take advantage of the cornucopia of sales around the town. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry said the town was chock-full of cars and visitors searching for good deals at the more than 46 yard sales present on the map provided by the town. Henry said she traveled the area and asked some of the residents holding sales how they felt the day was going, and many responded favorably.

Now, Henry said, it’s very likely that this town-wide yard sale event will become an annual occurrence, but that’s up to the town board to decide. She explained when the board first discussed discounting the permit fee from $10 to $5 for the day, they indicated that if the day went well, they would consider making it official every August.

She said a total of around 55 people were holding yard sales in and around the town and the weather was perfect. Henry said she’s almost positive that when the board hears of the positive response from the community and the number of sales the day prompted, they’re sure to make it official.