Police Agencies Continue to Collected Unused, Expired Medications

Several police agencies in the area have been collecting expired or unused medications at their facilities. The LaPorte County Sheriff’s Department is one of those agencies and just recently the sheriff’s department along with the Michigan City Police Department and the LaPorte County TRIAD incinerated 105.5 pounds of medicines that had been collected.

The unused medications had been collected since April 27 and they were incinerated in a licensed facility.

Pill drop boxes are located in the lobbies of the LaPorte County Sheriff’s Department and the LaPorte and Michigan City Police Departments. Residents are welcome to drop off any unused, unwanted or expired medicines at these locations at any time. Pills are deposited in a secured receptacle for everyone’s safety. Only solid medications are being accepted. Liquids and injectables can be disposed of in cat litter or coffee grounds and then placed in a trash receptacle. Needles can be placed in a sealed container and then taken to the LaPorte County Solid Waste District Office.

The Knox City Police Department also has a pill drop box in the lobby. Police Chief Clint Norem said that residents have been utilizing the service to help prevent addiction and overdose issues. He added that it’s a great benefit to the community.

A pill drop is also located in the lobby of the Starke County Sheriff’s Department. Medications can be disposed of at either location at any time of the day or night, seven days a week.