According to the notice of public hearing, the proposed development involves construction of a 9,100 square foot Dollar General building as a single-story mercantile structure. Because it would be a commercial business, and the proposed location is in a residential area, the company must first receive the approval by the Advisory Plan Commission to rezone the area before they can proceed.
The application and all submitted documentation are available for review Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Winamac Building/Planning Department located at 125 S. Riverside Drive, Suite 150, in Winamac.
Written suggestions or objections concerning this application may be filed with the plan
administrator or secretary of the board at or before the hearing. Alternatively, interested persons desiring to present their views upon the application, either in writing or verbally, will be given the opportunity to be heard during the hearing as well.
The meeting will take place tonight at 7 p.m. at the courthouse located at 112 E. Main St. in Winamac. To view the proposed site plan, click here.