Stay Alert on the Roads During Harvest Time

It’s nearing harvest time and some heavy farm equipment may be using county roads to get around. In light of that, drivers are urged to take extra caution to avoid an accident when trying to pass farm equipment. John Lawson, county executive director at Farm Service Agency in Starke County, told WKVI that there are a few tips drivers can follow to avoid any accidents.

“I would say just be very cautious, mainly on the rural roadways, especially when you have operating tractors, other heavy farm equipment, going down the road and even though they should have safety lights on the back of their equipment, sometimes you can just come up on them too quick,” said Lawson.

With many fields still bearing some corn as well, four-way intersections in rural areas can be tricky. Lawson said it’s important to take extra care at these locations to ensure you know what’s heading your way.

“Make sure that you don’t pull out in front. There are some corn fields like on a four-corners highway out in rural areas and sometimes it’s hard to see around, so keep an eye on that,” said Lawson.

On top of that, it’s not uncommon for large equipment to be hauling more equipment, and if a driver fails to notice that he’s actually going to be overtaking two large pieces of equipment, that can be disastrous.

“Some of the larger equipment are hauling a type of equipment behind it, so you have to make sure you see that also – it’s not just the tractor itself, you’re gonna maybe have something that’s pulling behind,” Lawson explained.

Be cautious when driving. Stay alert and aware to avoid an accident.