Anyone who was affected by this overcharge would be entitled to a $3.50 refund from the BMV, while drivers who obtained their licenses and renewed it in that time would get $7 – but not in the form of checks; rather, the refund will be paid through a credit applied the next time the recipient pays for a service provided by the BMV.
To get the refund, affected drivers don’t need to do anything and don’t need to go to the hearing, but drivers who are unhappy with the deal can still object or excuse themselves from it. Exclusion allows citizens to pursue their own legal remedies. To request to be excused, send a letter by Oct. 11 to BMV License Overcharge Case Notice Administrator at P.O. Box 1961, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1961.
To object, a letter must be sent to Judge Welch and lawyers for both sides by Oct. 11.