The Francesville Fall Festival kicks off today, marking the 48th anniversary of the festival that was originally created to celebrate the town’s new firehouse nearly five decades ago, but has since evolved into a beloved community event. Friday features attractions such as the Heritage Quartet at 6 p.m., Tri-County Kickers line dancing at 7 p.m. along with a “Master Cracker Jack and Miss Kandy Korn Contest.” Chicken bingo wraps up the day at 8:30 p.m.
The weekend features a variety of food fundraisers, including a fish and tenderloin supper Friday night, a chicken dinner Saturday night, and a pork chop dinner Sunday night. The local Boy Scout troop will also host a breakfast on Saturday morning.
Saturday events include a few first-time entertainers at the festival, including Ken the Cowboy at 12:30 p.m. Other entertainers will also take the stage, like J.T. And Tommy Oaks at 7 p.m. Saturday morning will feature a bake contest and auction and entertainment by Jungle John with his pet snakes.
The biggest event, however, is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Saturday: the parade. Grand marshals for the parade include “Seniors Working After 80”: Carolyn Cords, Phyllis Cords, Doris Getz, Virgil Bud Myers, and Helen Vollmer.
The festival also features amusement rides for kids and an auto show Sunday morning at the park, along with a cornhole tournament.
For more information on the Francesville Fall Festival, taking place from Sept. 20 to Sept. 22, visit francesvillefallfestival.com.