The Marshall County Commissioners approved a request from Clerk Julie Fox to remodel her office per federal regulations.
Fox explained that the layout of the office has to change, specifically in the child support division. Certain privacy laws need to be followed and the general public should not be allowed in the area where business is conducted. Fox said the child support staff has moved around in the office and darkened film has been installed on windows in the office to shield information on computers. The employees who work in the traffic department have been moved to accommodate this change.
What is being requested is a larger front counter space and the rearrangement of the back office.
The total cost of the remodeling project is $4,945 which was the higher estimate of the two that Fox had submitted. The person doing the project worked on the Marshall County Building in 1988 and has some of the same materials to replace or match some of the existing materials to help blend everything into the construction.
The Marshall County Council had approved the request during their meeting last week and the commissioners also approved the request. Fox stressed that the money will not be coming out of the General Fund but rather IV-D and money in the ARRA accounts.