Marshall County EMA Director Needs Info to Complete Comprehensive Plan

Another item the Marshall County Emergency Management Agency Director brought to the attention of the Marshall County Commissioners was the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.

Clyde Avery explained that it was due to be reviewed and rewritten, but all of the pieces have not yet come together to complete this task.

“We’ve sent notices out to the various departments that are identified as having roles and responsibilities within the plan and asked them to respond or send back a letter of agreement,” said Avery. “Some of the jurisdictions have not done that yet, or some of the agencies that are in the plan have not done that yet. It makes it difficult for us to move forward.”

The comprehensive emergency management plan includes a department’s response to an emergency situation. It also outlines the many types of incidents that constitute emergency action.

The Marshall County Commissioners agreed to help speed along the process.

For more information, contact EMA Director Clyde Avery at (574) 936-3740.