Henry said the first purchase order was in the amount of $7463.26 for the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum to repair the crossings for the Chesapeake & Indiana Railroad Company, with the company funding the other half of the cost of repairs. The purchase order approved for the town superintendent will allow for the purchase of a new pipe locator, as the current locator is broken, preventing the town from marking water lines.
The board also noted the receipt of a check from the Starke County auditor in the amount of $10,497.19. These funds are received annually from the Riverboat Wagering fund.
Henry also explained that the board is still seeking bids for the sale of an old squad car that was replaced. She said the bids will be due Sept. 16, and if anyone is interested in seeing the vehicle for sale, they can call (574) 896-3340 and make an appointment.