Gas Prices on the Way Down

Gas prices saw the largest monthly decline in September since October of 2012.

The national average price has fallen for 29 days in a row, the longest consecutive decline since April of 2012.

Gas prices in September averaged $3.52 per gallon, which was the lowest national average for the month since 2010 and 31 cents per gallon cheaper than the monthly average a year ago. The AAA Hoosier Motor Club released that refineries have been running smoothly with few problems. The demand for gas falls in September as kids return to school bus transportation and the weather gets cooler. Plus, much of the country switched to using less expensive winter-blend gasoline on Sept. 15.

The nation’s cheapest gas prices are in the Southeast where access to large local refineries and lower taxes has helped reduce consumer cost. California has the most expensive prices in the continental U.S. due to recent refinery problems and high fuel taxes.